DJ Delta

DJ Delta discovered Hip Hop music and culture during the 1980s while growing up in the north of England. At the start of the 1990s he relocated to Buckingham on the outskirts of Milton Keynes, and shortly after formed Hip Hop collective UnderCover Prophecy (UCP) with DJ Trail One and Kraze One. During the early to mid 1990s DJ Delta participated in several of Hip Hop cultures elements and in 1994 he co wrote and produced a recording entitled “Positive freestylin’” with Hip Hop crew Phase 4.

“Delta” by DJ Delta – Buckingham, 1991.

UnderCover Prophecy (UCP) formed during the summer of 1991 by which time DJ Delta and DJ Trail One had begun piecing together sound equipment for recording purposes. In order to establish their name on the local Hip Hop scene the founding members began experimenting with graffiti art and created several murals at locations in and around Buckingham. UCP quickly expanded to incorporate several other writers, taggers and vocalist all of which attended Buckingham secondary school during 1991. Continue reading

UnderCover Prophecy (UCP)

UnderCover Prophecy (UCP) were a Hip Hop collective from Buckingham that formed in 1991 and consisted of DJ Delta, DJ Trail One, Kraze OneEscape, Krome 2, Hysko, Assault, M-zime, KauseAmmo, Jedi, Crusade, J Rapz, Wooly, and Impact. All members of UCP attended Buckingham secondary school during 1991 and were either participating in street dancing or graffiti tagging. Several of the groups members would progress to participate in Graffiti art, Rapping, DJ’ing and Producing.

UnderCover Prophecy – Buckingham 1991. 

UCP was originally formed in the summer of 1991 by DJ Delta, DJ Trail One and Kraze One. The inspiration and idea to form as a Hip Hop crew was down to aspiring DJs Trail One and Delta who prior to forming as UCP were already piecing together DJ equipment. DJs Trail One and Delta approached Kraze One who reluctantly agreed to become the rapper for the crew. The three founding members came up with the name UnderCover Prophecy (UCP). Continue reading

Phase 4

Phase 4 formed in 1994 and consisted of four rappers Mr Lusta, Kraze One, Lady Of Funk and Mr Delta. The group formed as a result of a studio jam session while studying a part time sound recording course at Audio lab recording studio that was located in Buckingham during the 1990s. The demo caught the ear of DJ Halo during a mastering session at the same studio which resulted in an opportunity for the students to develop the recording further with studio engineer and mentor Nigel Neil.

“Phase 4” logo by Desire – 1995.

Previous to the formation of Phase 4 all members were actively participating in local Hip Hop culture and were keen to explore sound recording as a means to develop their musical creativity. Lady Of Funk was already a respected street dancer who regularly danced alongside many of the local Hip Hop artists and DJs during their live shows. Kraze One, Mr Lusta and Mr Delta had all previously been members of Buckingham Hip Hop collective UnderCover ProphecyContinue reading