Chaos 2

Chaos 2 was one of the areas pioneering graffiti writers that established himself during the 1980s in Buckingham and eventually progressed to become one of a handful of artists to piece the Milton Keynes train line during 1990. Chaos 2 formed part of Hip Hop crew The Criminal Minds (TCM) and helped establish the collective’s street presence during their early years of activity.

“Chaos” by Chaos 2 – Milton Keynes, 1990.

The above mural entitled “Chaos” was created in 1990 along the Milton Keynes trainline and formed part of several murals painted during the era by various members of The Criminal Minds (TCM).  Several other TCM tags are visible in the image which was taken in 1994. The below mural entitled “TCM” was created during the early 1990s in Buckingham. Continue reading